Career Oportunities For Bullies…


Why are there bullies in the world?  I have read that bullies act the way they do to get attention, or they are trying to make themselves feel more important by intimidating or belittling others.  They seem to always be able to home in on people they perceive as easy targets or easily intimiated.  I was plagued by bullies all throughout my teen years, and I can remember living through most of my high school years in daily fear.  I often felt so very afraid to go to school, or I would avoid them by walking the long way around the school to get to classes and thus avoiding places where I knew certain bullies might lurk.  I remember one year eating my lunch alone with the teacher in the classroom to avoid contact with them.  Sure, I was different and unfortunately for me there were people perceptive enough to realize my differences even before I did.  I lacked so much self-confidence as all teens do, but that was compounded by the fact that I began to “notice” boys instead of girls.  Other people seemed to sense I was gay, though I didn’t realize It myself till later in my teens.  That coupled with an interest in computer games and Sci Fi made me an easy mark, a geek, or a nerd.  The bullying I experienced was rarely physical, but the psychological torment I endured through my high school years affected me well beyond my eventual graduation day.

However, life goes on and we all grow up.  As an adult do you ever wonder what becomes of those that seemed to delight in the torment of their peers?  I have learned over the years that they are still among us.  Some have fortunately grown up physically and mentally, and most often completely forget the hurt they once caused.  I can remember running into bullies at home and they would speak to me on the street in passing like we were old friends.  Then there are those that never grow out of it.  They move on in life to take careers in law enforcement, managerial positions, and school principles.  Some make life time careers out of making others feel bad or exercising their power over others.  These are the bosses that use intimidation to get what they want, and scoff at others ideas and questions.  Wikipedia defines Bullying as the act of intentionally causing harm to others, through verbal harassment, physical assault, or other more subtle methods of coercion such as manipulation.  Sound like any bosses you know?

Fortunately, I did manage to grow up just the same as the bullies and I’m no longer afraid of their type.  Don’t get me wrong, I am not as strong of a person as I would like to be but I have learned to be proud of who I am, and my accomplishments in life.  I’ve come a long way from the fearful little boy I used to be, and fear no longer paralyzes me when this sort of behavior shows its ugly head.  I have learned to be strong for others, and sometimes you just have to stick up for those you care about in life.  A situation occurred recently and though it was hard, I stood up for myself and my friends.  So if you are out there, and you have been victimized in some way then please know you are not alone.  I promise life will get better!

P.S.  A good friend has started a blog of his own so make sure you go over and check him out!  I’ve also added him to my blogroll so you can check him out anytime, as I hope he will be updating frequently.  Have a great rest of the week where ever this finds you, and remember to never be afraid to stand up to them!